Saturday, March 27, 2010

QiQong Distance Healing

I've been taking part in these QiQong distance healing sessions. Reading through the information, it seemed like it would scientifically be possible. There's also the power of suggestion. If I believe they work, they will...right?

The first one I didn't really sit quietly through, it says you don't have to, and I didn't really feel anything, but I did have crazy dreams leading up to the session, as the message also says might happen. I have pretty crazy, vivid dreams quite a bit though, always have.

The last session was on Thursday of this past week. This time I made myself comfortable, put on a YouTube relaxation meditation video right before the session was to start and laid there, with the intent to fully receive the benefits.

About half an hour in I was in a lucid dream state and had the feeling that I was not inside my body, but somewhere out in the courtyard of my building...lecturing my building manager about the waste of water it took to hose down the courtyard over sweeping it.

I came back to my body and was still in a lucid state, trying to get up, but my bodies reticular activation system had set in, keeping me from moving.

My brain started to feel like the synapses from the left and ride side were bouncing back and forth. I felt like I was hearing an internal vibration, the sound of the Om, connecting the two sides. I started breathing quicker and more shallow. I started to feel my RAS release and I went into Dragon's breath, which increased the vibration and sounds into one solid hum.

After about five minutes in, I returned to regular breathe and felt my body in total relaxation. I was cooked.

I had to get up. I couldn't lay there the entire two hours, it was so intense, my body told me it was time to get up and move. So, I did, slowly and intentionally.

The next day I was out in the courtyard, sweeping the dust, cigarette butts and trash, scooping it up with my dust pan into the garbage.

The closest experience I've had to this was the sound bath I took at the Integratron in Joshua Tree.

I encourage you to try this, there is another session tonight or tomorrow night, I believe. Visit the website for more details.

Let me know what you experience.

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